window.addEventListener('consentValues', function (event) { gtag('consent', 'update', { 'ad_storage': event.detail.Statistics, 'analytics_storage': event.detail.Statistics, }); // console.log('consent update' + JSON.stringify(event.detail)); }); // Custom script for GA - see window.addEventListener( 'pushstate', function (e) { // console.log('enter pushStage' + 'target' +; //the gtag config function to re-configure the measurement/property ID on the gtag tracker with other available settings i.e cookieDomain auto that sets the _ga cookie on the Top Level Domain of the page. the configuration constructor sends a default pageview hit with the SPA journey change pageview to Google Analytics Meaurement/Property ID i.e UA-XXXXXXXXX-X. gtag('config', 'G-Q1RKPMMYLG', { cookie_domain: 'auto', page_location:, // to send the pageview with the new SPA changed URL }); }, false );